Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Population Index
Discover all of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all groups with non-traditional gender and sexual identities, collectively known as the LGBTQIA+ community, living in countries, sub-regions and continents across the globe. With no official world census, estimates relating to the community’s population vary depending on the country and the source. Estimates range from 2% to as high as 15% of the world’s total population.
The LGBTQIA+ Population index is collated using conservative estimates. The figures are based on those reported and published by each country annually. Though conservative, it is likely that the actual global population relating to the community is much more significant due to more countries becoming more inclusive and introducing laws and protections relating to the LGBTQIA+ communities
- 18.1% or 38.7 million people live in countries with an equality status of high or very high
- 12.8 million or 6.% live within countries where a death sentence is still the maximum penalty for same-sex prosecutions
- 59.8 million or 27.9% of LGBTQIA+ individuals live in countries where same-sex relationships are illegal
- 18.1% or 38.7 million people live in countries with an equality status of high or very high
- 22.9% or 49.1 million people live in countries with an equality status of low or very low
- 59% or 126.4 million people live in countries with an equality status of medium
- Asia has the largest LGBTQIA+ population with 58.9% (126.3 million), followed by Africa with 18.4% (39.5 million) and the Americas with 13% (27.7 million)
- Oceania has the lowest LGBTQIA+ population with 0.6% or 1.2 million
- 12.8 million or 6.% live within countries where a death sentence is still the maximum penalty for same-sex prosecutions
- 4.1 million or 1.9% live within countries where groups of vigilantes are known to attack, beat, torture and murder members of the LGBTQIA+ community
- 59.8 million or 27.9% of LGBTQIA+ individuals live in countries where same-sex relationships are illegal
- 3.1 million or 1.4% of LGBTQIA+ individuals live in countries where same-sex relationships are illegal, but the law is not enforced
- Africa has seen the most significant population growth at 2.4%, followed by Oceania at 1.2% against the previous year
Even with tailored questions relating to the LGBTQIA+ community, there are other barriers, some generational in which some older community members still find it hard to be open about their gender or sexuality on official polls and censuses. Also, there are concerns about sharing personal information about their gender or sexual identity in countries that are only starting to become more inclusive. Given the stigmatism that still exists and the fact that a change of government or a shift in popular opinion could instantly change things for them, making them targets by being honest about who they are.
Without any official statistics, non-profit organisations, pollsters, and those who analyse trends and movements have predicted that in some countries, such as the USA, the number of people who identify as LGBTQIA+ could be as high as 15% of the total population. In countries where the government is hostile towards the community, many will likely hide their sexuality or gender identity for fear of being targeted and persecuted. The LGBTQIA+ estimates used within the population index are based on various articles, research papers, and studies worldwide over the past twenty-plus years. The LGBTQIA+ population estimates are at a country level, enabling population trends and statics for individual countries, regions and sub-regions. To understand all of the areas and how the LGBTQIA+ population was estimated, click here to view how it was calculated page
Based on the average from various published reports, a conservative estimate is approximately 2.6% of the world’s population identifies as LGBTQIA+. From a community perspective, it is difficult to further breakdown those estimates at a micro-level relating to individual groups; however, the population index is based on:
- Lesbian & Gay – 1.3444%
- Bisexual – 1.2889%
- Transgender – 0.0060%
- Total – 2.6393%
Understanding, even as an estimation, the size of the global LGBTQIA+ community is essential. It reinforces that people who identify as LGBTQIA+ live within every country worldwide, are from every race, and religious denomination, and are all part of the society of the countries they live within. Further validating that they have no choice around who they are often at significant risk to their personal safety. Identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or any of the groups with non-traditional gender and sexual identities is not a choice but an acceptance of who they are.
LGBTQIA+ and straight people are not different; they all want the same things. To receive their fundamental human rights, to receive an education, to have access to healthcare, to receive a fair wage, and of course, to love whomever they wish. Countries across the globe are changing. Hopefully, we will have a worldwide census with the actual number of LGBTQIA+ people living worldwide one day. In a world where people can be honest and be counted without fear of persecution.
Want to learn more about how the LGBTQIA+ Population Index was calculated? Our how guide provides explanations, scoring and all calculations
Why do countries not include gender and sexual identities in the official census?
Historically, countries have avoided adding sexuality and gender identity questions as part of the official census; however, some countries are starting to change their approach. Though including these questions are generally positive, there are still many barriers to getting accurate information. Some within the LGBTQIA+ community will likely be reluctant to share this part of their identity with the government, fearing how the information might be used. Countries that are liberal today may not be in the future, and in some countries, there is still a stigma associated with identifying as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community
Why do other sites and services estimate higher population numbers?
With no official census or collective polls, all estimates are based on small sample sizes or limited demographical research, all of which are used to predict and calculate the community’s overall size. The community’s size will vary from country to country, with more moderate countries likely reporting higher population sizes. Many will usually hide their true identity for fear of persecution in hostile countries, resulting in lower reported population sizes. The estimates are just that, a prediction or educated guess on the likely population; however, there currently is no accurate way for reporting the actual size of the global community
What happens if a person does not like labels? Would they still be counted?
Without an official census or poll, there is no way to record the actual community size. Individual labels or identities are even harder to calculate or estimate. If a person identifies with any sexuality or gender identity but not the term, they would still be part of the LGBTQIA+ community, just not necessarily aligned to one or more defined groups. In reality, some people would also likely identify with more than one term, such as a specific sexuality and a separate gender identity. Though it does occur, all these factors make it difficult to calculate an accurate representation of the community’s global size, especially not at a micro-level