LGBTQIA+ Pride: Why is little known about asexuality?

Whenever people are asked to define asexuality, the reply is often far from the truth. Many personal beliefs and understandings are more myths and legends rather than reality. Though not as mainstream as other LGBTQIA+ identities, it is estimated that almost 1% of the world’s population identifies as asexual. Given the growing numbers, why is little known about asexuality and aromantic individuals?
What is the difference between gay love and lust?

There is often a misconception outside of the gay community that gay people are casual when it comes to sex, preferring open or commitment-free relationships. Many perceptions are often fuelled by the wide range of smartphone apps, parades and tv shows in which gay men and women are shown only in a sexualised way with little or no depth. With many gay couples across the globe getting married and starting families, how promiscuous are the gay community? Or is it simply people not understanding the difference between love and lust?