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Gender Identities

(pronounced – jen-der | ˈʤɛndə)
Section providing links, descriptions and information relating to gender identities
Gender Image - About Gender Identities
Welcome to the pride in gender identities series at Gayther. A series dedicated to helping people discover more about gender identities and those who identify to take pride and learn more about their unique identity. Each series is packed full of information, including well-known and notable people, key facts, and highlighting the wide range of resources available
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Most views and opinions concerning gender are learnt; but should not be the measure used to

define who we are

Discover more about all the identities and groups
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click here  Click on any of the circles to learn more about a gender identity



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Pride in Series - Gender Section
More about gender identities?
To understand LGBTQIA+ gender identities, you need to break the subject into three distinct groups; biological gender, gender identity and gender expression.

The biological gender or sex at birth is used to describe any individual and their gender-based on physical appearance and anatomy. A medical professional or qualified person determines the gender when a baby is born. There are three genders, male, female and Intersex. Intersex people are typically born with male and female characteristics; however, one gender attribute will usually be more dominant. Within the LGBTQIA+ Community, you will often see abbreviations such as AFAB (assigned female at birth) or AMAB (assigned male at birth) used by people transitioning or unable to conform to traditional gender identities.

Everything we know about gender is taught to us throughout our lives. From how we behave to what is expected of us is passed down to children from their families and the societies in which they grow up and influence their lives. Gender identities and stereotypes vary by country and region; however, most attitudes and views have evolved based on historical influences such as religions and traditions. For some people, the more aware they become of their gender and expectations, the more disconnected they feel. They often feel despair at being trapped in somebody else’s body, not identifying with their sex at birth or belonging to a different gender altogether. The disassociation in gender is not new and has been around for thousands of years and referenced throughout history. How a person identifies is more about how they think and feel about themselves, accepting who they are and the journey, for some, for their outer appearance to reflect their inner self.

If we are taught how to act and what society expects of us, how do people present these traits and behaviours? Gender expression relates to how a person behaves, their mannerisms, appearance, voice and interests, all of which form how they present themselves to the world. Gender expression is not limited to genders. Many groups within the LGBTQIA+ Community either identify as fluid (shifting between masculine and feminine identities) or do not identify as binary (male or female).
Discover showcase on Gayther. An area designed to highlight innovative products, services, and series which will directly benefit or are exclusively tailored to the LGBTQIA+ community
Answers to common views and beliefs can be read in under 30 seconds
Gender Identities Demystifying - All about the X

All about the X

As the world has become more aware of gender identities, salutations and terms have also evolved. Mx has become the salutation for those unable to identify with the traditional Mr, Ms or Mrs. The word to describe women has become womxn, replacing the name section that includes men. The changes reflect that many of the traditional salutations are gender-specific and play to outdated definitions

Gender Identities Demystifying - Outdated definitions
Outdated definitions

Most of what we know and understand about gender is from what we are taught. The teachings will vary by society, country and continent; however, many still use outdated definitions and stereotypes of what it means to be male or female. As new generations are born and grow up, they begin questioning stereotypes, continually changing and evolving the definitions of what gender means. You only have to look at what was socially accepted in the past and how many are now frowned upon and condemned today

Gender Identities Demystifying - Pronouns do not restrict
Pronouns that do not restrict

Historically there were only three pronouns used, he, she and they. Each of those pronouns has specific associations relating to gender and creates issues when a person cannot identify with either gender or have a gender identity that is fluid. Changing how you address a person not only shows support but also that you respect who they are or want to be

Gender Identities Demystifying - Evolution means
Evolution means changing

Throughout history, people have adapted and changed to their environment. Typically, evolving through learning and understanding more about the world around them. Gender views in the 2nd century are different from now, so adapting and updating gender definitions is just part of things’ natural order. Remembering that LGBTQIA+ individuals with diverse gender identities or expressions are just looking to live a life true to how they think and feel

Gender Identities Demystifying - Bathroom Grey
Bathroom grey areas

Objections have been raised relating to LGBTQIA+ individuals using bathrooms or restrooms relating to their gender identity. The subject is often emotive; however, there is no evidence or statistics to support the argument that LGBTQIA+ people affect the safety of cis-gendered people in bathrooms/restrooms; instead, they form the group most likely to suffer abuse and discrimination when using public bathrooms

Gender Identities Demystifying - About Genes
All about genes

There are only 70 genes that determine a baby’s sex. Before week 7 of the pregnancy, all fetuses are the same during a period known as the genital ridge. After week 7, the Y-chromosome present for male fetuses will signal the start of testosterone and begin the forming of male genitalia


With countries around the world treating members of the LGBTQIA+ community differently, planning an overseas trip can be challenging. With over 233 country and 435 regional guides, Gayther guides provide you with all the information you need when planning your trip. From LGBTQIA equality to essential travel information, discover Gayther guides today
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Pride in Series - About 2
The pride-in series is primarily about showcasing the exceptional groups and people that make up the global LGBTQIA+ community. Taking pride is about educating and sharing information about the various identities, sexualities and special groups. It is a platform that showcases and highlights the groups of individuals that make up the global community and hopefully helps people feel pride. Experiences and treatments will vary for people from different groups within the international community.

Many will share similarities and even unite within the common cause for equality and legal recognition. However, how a person chooses to identity can be very different depending on the country, society and culture that they live within. The pride-in series will help them connect with their community and provide many reasons to be proud, regardless of how they choose to identify or love. Whether a person is straight, gay, transgender or cisgender, the pride-in series is for everyone and highlights that we are all unique and special.

Acceptance and coming to terms with how a person chooses to identify or love, especially accepting it themselves, is hard. The process of self-discovery and acceptance is often the most significant and challenging step for anyone from the LGBTQIA+ community. The acceptance process can be complex and can be made worse when we might not be able to connect with or identify others similar to ourselves. Failing to find positive representation can make a person feel disconnected, alone and isolated.

The reality is that once a person is aware that there are others out there who think and feel as they do, even in part, it can be liberating. Often, it will help them feel represented and reassure them that they are not alone. No one is the same, and if a person cannot identify with a group, it does not mean that there are not others out there that think and feel in a similar way to them. Sexualities, identities, age, and circumstances are not always easy to group, define, or even be fluid.

Being different from the majority is not always easy. Understanding and accepting who they are often takes immense courage, especially given the risks many will likely face. Positive representation and education can help, giving them a platform to take pride in who they will or have become. There is no right or wrong, normal or different, just unique people with common goals and with aspirations to be free, loved, and safe.

Learn more about the extensive resources available on Gayther, taking pride in all of the groups that form the global community, including those from conventional identities and sexualities. Ultimately, remembering that we are all unique and special and how we identify and choose to love is part but not the only thing that defines who we are as individuals. Love is love, and accepting those different to us is crucial in a free and fair society.
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