Gayther Age of Consent - Header
The age of consent relates to the legally recognised age at which a young person of any sex, gender or sexual orientation can lawfully consent to sexual activity

Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Equality Index

of countries score high or very high

Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Dollar

$1.5 trillion
added to the world economy

Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Population

214.3 million
people living within communities across the globe

Worldwide Same-Sex Unions or Marriages

76 countries recognise same-sex unions or marriages

Worldwide Legal Gender Recognition

98 countries legally recognise gender identities

Worldwide Gay Conversion Therapy


or 22 countries have laws banning Gay Conversion Therapy
Select a country from the list
Gayther Age of Consent - Dropdown Icon (500px)

  2024 SUMMARY

Gayther Age of Consent Index - 2024 Statistics


  • The average age of consent in the world is 17 years old
  • 163 (or 70%) of countries have an equal age of consent, which is the standard for LGBTQIA+ individuals. In 46 (or 19.7%) of countries, the LGBTQIA+ equality status is unknown
  • 23 (or 9.9%) of countries have a different age of consent as a standard than for those that identify as LGBTQIA+, and 1 (or 0.4%) of countries, there is a discrepancy in terms of the law


  • In 2024, in terms of the age of consent:
    • 130 (or 55.8%) of countries around the world have an age of consent of 18, followed by 73 (or 31.3%) with an age of consent of 16
    • 25 (or 10.7%) countries have an age of consent of 15 or below, and 1 defines the age of consent as Puberty
    • Only 1 country defines the age of consent as 21 years of age
    • In the countries in which it is still illegal to be in same-sex relationships, 13 (or 19.7%) out of 66 countries have an age of consent below the age of 15
    • The average age for those countries that have decriminalised same-sex relationships or never had laws in place criminalising homosexuality is 16.3 years of age, whereas the average age is 15.8 for those countries that still criminalise homosexuality
    • Of those countries that have decriminalised same-sex relationships or never had laws in place criminalising homosexuality, 12 (or 7.2%) out of 167 countries have an age of consent below the age of 15
  • Compared to the LGBTQIA+ Population Statistics:
    • 126.5 million (or 59%) people live in countries where the age of consent is 18 and 14.8 million (or 6.9%) of people live in countries where the age of consent is 15 or below
    • Over 199.5 million (or 93%) of the world’s LGBTQIA+ population live in countries where the age of consent is 16 years of age and over
  • Compared to the LGBTQIA+ Equality Index in 2024:
    • For the 59 (or 25.3%) countries that score low or low within the index, the average age of consent is 17.1; the lowest age is 13, and the highest is 18
    • For the 99 (or 42.5%) countries that score medium within the index, the average age of consent is 16.9; the lowest age is 13, and the highest is 21
    • For the 75 (or 32.2%) countries that score medium within the index, the average age of consent is 17.4; the lowest age is 14, and the highest is 18


With countries around the world treating members of the LGBTQIA+ community differently, planning an overseas trip can be challenging. With over 233 country and 435 regional guides, Gayther guides provide you with all the information you need when planning your trip. From LGBTQIA equality to essential travel information, discover Gayther guides today


click here  Click on a specific country within the map to find out the Age of Consent


Acceptance and coming to terms with a part of what makes you can be challenging for many people. The Gayther pride in series is about celebrating all things relating to sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Showcasing the exceptional people, interesting facts and ways to connect with those unique communities, all designed to help and promote pride in LGBTQIA+ identities


Gayther Age of Consent - About

The age of consent relates to the legally recognised age at which a young person of any sex, gender or sexual orientation can lawfully consent to sexual activity. The legal protection was put in place in many countries around the world to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation and provides guardians and the authorities the ability to prosecute offenders that violate this law. The minimum age varies from country to country, and often, there is a disparity between genders and sexual orientations.

The law is often linked to the age at which an individual is considered an adult, and the penalty and severity of the prosecution of anyone violating the law are typically more serious the older the perturbator might be. The legal defence of whether they looked older or told me that they were over the age of consent is often not sufficient as most people under the age of consent will usually be considered minors and legally will not be held responsible for their actions. Ultimately, if engaging in sexual activity with a young adult, especially where the age of consent is 18 or 21, it is vital to seek proof of the person’s age; otherwise, you might be committing an offence and face prosecution.

In many countries, historically, the age of consent was different for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, with individuals often being required to be two or more years older than the standard age of consent. Many countries have corrected biased and discriminatory practices, usually aligning the age of consent. In countries where same-sex activities are illegal, the age of consent is often irrelevant as LGBTQIA+-related actions are considered prohibited; however, if one party were considered a minor, the penalty would likely be more severe.

The age of consent is an important legal protection for minors to ensure they do not engage in or are subject to sexual abuse before they are of legal and emotional maturity in which they can make informed decisions. Though the age can vary, countries take these laws seriously, so it is essential that before you travel, especially if you plan to meet or hook up with local people, you understand the age of consent and the various ways you can protect yourself whilst you are there.

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When we travel abroad, most of us will have fun and pleasant visits, often without any major problems or incidents. In the event something bad happens, knowing who to call quickly can be a matter of life and death. The Gayther Emergency Services tool features emergency numbers for every country worldwide. With three separate methods for finding emergency service information, as well, as quick dial buttons, getting help quickly can be fast and simple


Learn more about the age of consent around the world by country name (in alphabetical order). If you want to learn more about any country, please click on the flag or the country name, which will open the required content in a new window.

For each country listed, you will discover information relating to the age of consent, as well as the status, which includes:
  • Equal – means that the age of consent is the same for men, women and LGBTQIA+ individuals (if applicable)
  • Unequal – implies that the age of consent is different for men, women and LGBTQIA+ individuals (if applicable)
  • Discrepancy – means that the age of consent is unclear, and there might be discrepancies concerning the information
  • Unknown – means that the age of consent is unknown or there is no public information about the different treatment between sex, gender and sexual orientation.

Afghanistan Flag
Puberty (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Albania Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Algeria Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
American Samoa Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Andorra Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Angola Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Anguilla Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Discrepancy)
Antigua and Barbuda Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Argentina Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Armenia Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Australia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Austria Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Azerbaijan Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)

Bahamas, The Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Bahrain Flag
21 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Bangladesh Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Barbados Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Belarus Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Belgium Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Belize Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Benin Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Bermuda Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Bhutan Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Bolivia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Botswana Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Brazil Flag
14 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
British Virgin Islands Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Brunei Darussalam Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Bulgaria Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Burkina Faso Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Burundi Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)

Cambodia Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Cameroon Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Canada Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Caribbean Netherlands Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Cayman Islands Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Central African Republic Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Chad Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Channel Islands Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Chile Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
China Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Colombia Flag
14 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Comoros Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Congo, D.Rep Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Congo, Rep Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Cook Islands Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Costa Rica Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Croatia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Cuba Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Cyprus Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Czech Republic (Czechia) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)

D E F  
Denmark Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Djibouti Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Dominica Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Dominican Republic Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
East Timor (Timor-Leste) Flag
14 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Ecuador Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Egypt Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
El Salvador Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Equatorial Guinea Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Eritrea Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Estonia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Ethiopia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Falkland Islands (Las Malvinas) Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Fiji Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Finland Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
France Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
French Guiana Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
French Polynesia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)

Gabon Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Gambia, The Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Georgia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Germany Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Ghana Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Gibraltar Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Greece Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Greenland Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Grenada Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Guadeloupe Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Guam Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Guatemala Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Guinea Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Guinea-Bissau Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Guyana Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)

H I J  
Haiti Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Honduras Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Hong Kong Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Hungary Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Iceland Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
India Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Indonesia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Iran, Islamic Republic of Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Iraq Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Ireland Flag
17 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Isle of Man Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Israel Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Italy Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Jamaica Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Japan Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Jordan Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)

K L  
Kazakhstan Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Kenya Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Kiribati Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Korea, North (D.Rep) Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Korea, South (Rep) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Kosovo, Republic of Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Kuwait Flag
17 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Kyrgyzstan Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Laos Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Latvia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Lebanon Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Lesotho Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Liberia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Libya Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Liechtenstein Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Lithuania Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Luxembourg Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)

Macau Flag
14 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Madagascar Flag
14 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Malawi Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Malaysia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Maldives Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Mali Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Malta Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Marshall Islands Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Martinique Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Mauritania Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Mauritius Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Mayotte Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Mexico Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Micronesia, F.S Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Moldova Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Monaco Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Mongolia Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Montenegro Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Morocco Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Mozambique Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Myanmar Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)

Namibia Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Nauru Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Nepal Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Netherlands Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Netherlands Antilles Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
New Caledonia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
New Zealand Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Nicaragua Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Niger Flag
13 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Nigeria Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Niue Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
North Macedonia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Northern Mariana Islands Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Norway Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)

O P Q  
Oman Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Pakistan Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Palau Flag
17 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Palestine, State of Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Panama Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Papua New Guinea Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Paraguay Flag
14 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Peru Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Philippines Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Pitcairn Islands Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Poland Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Portugal Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Puerto Rico Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Qatar Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)

R S  
Reunion Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Romania Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Russia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Rwanda Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saint Barthelemy (Barts) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saint Helena Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saint Kitts and Nevis Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saint Lucia Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Saint Martin (Dutch) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saint Martin (French) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Samoa Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
San Marino Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Sao Tome and Principe Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Saudi Arabia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Senegal Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Serbia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Seychelles Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Sierra Leone Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Singapore Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Slovakia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Slovenia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Solomon Islands Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Somalia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
South Africa Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
South Sudan Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Spain Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Sri Lanka Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Sudan Flag
13 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Suriname Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Swaziland (Eswatini) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Sweden Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Switzerland Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Syria Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)

Taiwan Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Tajikistan Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Tanzania Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Thailand Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Togo Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Tokelau Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Tonga Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Trinidad and Tobago Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Tunisia Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Turkey (Turkiye) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Turkmenistan Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Turks and Caicos Islands Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Tuvalu Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)

U V W X Y Z  
Uganda Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Ukraine Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
United Kingdom (UK) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
United States of America (USA) Flag
17 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Uruguay Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
US Virgin Islands Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Uzbekistan Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unequal)
Vanuatu Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Vatican City (Holy See) Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Venezuela Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Vietnam Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Wallis and Futuna Flag
18 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)
Yemen Flag
15 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Zambia Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Unknown)
Zimbabwe Flag
16 years old (LGBTQIA+ Status: Equal)


From marriages and unions to the decriminalisation of same-sex relationships, discover how well each country treats members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Updated each year, you can learn of the positive and negative developments for every country worldwide. Learn more about LGBTQIA+ Worldwide equality today


Gayther Community - Updates
To keep up to date, we will typically update all of our community indices in the first quarter of every year (before March) to keep a consistent position. Should a landmark event occur, we would endeavour to change all relevant indices as quickly as possible.

When reviewing data, it is crucial to understand what it represents, whether it reflects the world and the experience of all those affected. Changes within any given country or region are not restricted to a specific month of the year or even are automatically triggered. Change, especially concerning equality, gender recognition, same-sex marriages and the status of gay conversion therapy, often takes work. Typically by many large groups of dedicated and focused individuals advocating and fighting for justice for positive change within their local communities.

The indices have been created to help you understand the world around you; however, engaging with your global community is essential. It is vital, especially if you are familiar with your desired destination. By reaching out and communicating with other members of the LGBTQIA+ community, you can establish critical details. It only takes a small amount of effort in locating people from or those who have already visited your particular destination for advice. Engaging on social media and Gayther’s networking platform, Gayther Affinity, can help you connect with the global LGBTQIA+ community.
Last Updated: June 6, 2024
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Quickly find all the information you need when planning a trip. Home to over 600 detailed country and regional guides, including a wide range of general information as well as dedicated LGBTQIA+ specific details
Search over 900 unique weather locations using the fun and interactive weather tool. Discover the best time to travel to a specific area, when is it the hottest, when is the least chance of rain or when it might snow
Planning a trip takes time and effort. Deciding where to go and how to get there can be a challenge. The interactive travel tool is home to thousands of airports, trains, buses and ports worldwide
Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the global LGBTQIA+ community. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself. Helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself. People from around the world from all age groups and backgrounds. Signup for your free Affinity account today

Gayther...your community resources

Three dedicated websites offer various tools, services, guides, and much more. Free tools and services tailored toward all groups within the global LGBTQIA+ community



The big directory comprises fourteen groups and over one thousand categories, from travel accommodation to home maintenance

There are thousands of events taking place, it is not always easy to know what is going on and when, Gayther can help

The Care Providers and Services directory lists businesses and services that are inclusive and welcoming to all
There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, all designed to help you
The RM Directory is designed to showcase organisations and services experienced in assisting those seeking refuge or relocating. Whether a refugee who is forced to leave home due to war or a migrant seeking out better living conditions, the RM Directory can help


With over one thousand data points relating to weather stations worldwide, hundreds of LGBTQIA+ country and state travel guides, as well as community-related articles, fun and games, there is something for everyone on Gayther. Help your friends, followers or customers by including a badge or any one of the hundreds of colourful QR Codes within your newsletter, blog, vlog or website to direct them to resources that relate directly to you or your business or service. Discover QR Codes and Gayther Badges today


Discover more about the extensive tools, services and guides available on Gayther. From country and regional guides to LGBTQIA+ community resources, learn more about all that Gayther has to offer
Learn more about Gayther; it’s history, values and mission
Discover Gayther Care, a site dedicated to community support and care
Discover all about the LGBTQIA+ community from the many resources available
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Discover more about sexuality, from the various identities to inspiring content and information
Discover more about the unique and diverse gender identities within the LGBTQIA+ community
Discover more about the special groups and the people and organisations supporting and helping the LGBTQIA+ community
Not sure what you are looking for? There are many ways to find what you need quickly; the search section provides links to the many search services
Impress your friends with key facts and keep updated on the latest developments and trends within the community
Discover Gayther Trinary, three unique services focused on the different aspects and requirements of the LGBTQIA+ community
  • The index has been compiled and is correct as of Jun 6, 2024
  • The index has been compiled using a variety of different sources, including news articles, publications and websites such as Wikipedia

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The Worldwide Age of Consent information has been compiled from various sources and websites. The information has been based on the rules and laws at a national level rather than for any given region, state or province. For some countries, whether there was limited or conflicting information regarding the age of consent, the final entry would be based on consistent data and reasonable judgment. The Worldwide Age of Consent guide is for illustrative purposes only; we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data, and none of the information constitutes advice. It is essential that you carry out independent research on any countries you plan to visit before going, as information changes frequently. Your country’s foreign office will advise you on any given country’s status and whether it is safe to travel there.