Banning Gay Conversion Therapy

9.4% or 22 countries have nationwide bans in place concerning Gay Conversion Therapy
Individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all groups with non-traditional gender and sexual identities, collectively known as the LGBTQIA+ community, were historically viewed as having a mental illness or making a conscious choice in thinking or feeling the way they do. With research and greater understanding, the world now recognises that individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ are not doing so by choice. Instead, it is a chemical or physical reaction that cannot be changed. Gay Conversion Therapy was developed when LGBTQIA+ identities were classified as an illness, and often brutal, so-called therapies were applied, hoping to change a person into becoming heterosexual or cis-gendered.
Medical science and numerous national psychiatric associations have condemned the use of Gay Conversion Therapy. Many stating that the therapy is ineffective in changing how a person identifies. The Banning Gay Conversion Therapy index looks at all countries worldwide and those that have outlawed or banned Gay Conversion Therapies

- 8.6% or 18.5 million individuals from the global LGBTQIA+ community live now in countries in which Gay Conversion Therapy is banned
- Iran, Malaysia and Uganda have made Gay Conversion Therapy not only Legal but it is also made it approved by the state
- 17 of the 22 countries that have nationwide bans concerning Gay Conversion Therapy have a status of Very High within the 2024 Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Equality Index
- 9.4% or 22 countries have nationwide bans in place concerning Gay Conversion Therapy
- Europe has eleven countries that have introduced nationwide bans on Gay conversion therapy, making it the highest, followed by the Americas with five
- 91.4% or 195.8 million individuals from the global LGBTQIA+ community live in countries in which Gay Conversion Therapy is not banned
- 8.6% or 18.5 million individuals from the global LGBTQIA+ community live now in countries in which Gay Conversion Therapy is banned
- Iran, Malaysia and Uganda have legalised Gay Conversion Therapy Legal and made it state-approved. An estimated 4.6 million LGBTQIA+ individuals living in those countries are now subject to the therapy and subsequent treatments
- 17 of the 22 countries that have nationwide bans concerning Gay Conversion Therapy have a status of Very High within the 2024 Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Equality Index
- 5 of the 22 countries that have nationwide bans relating to Gay Conversion Therapy have a status of Medium within the 2024 Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Equality Index
- Some countries such as Australia, China, and the United States of America either have bans in specific states, regions or provinces or cases are reviewed on a case-by-case basis; there currently are no nationwide laws making the practice a crime in those countries
- Belgium, the Republic of Cyprus, Iceland, Norway, Portugal and Spain all implemented bans on conversion therapy in 2023-2024
- Uganda, as part of Section 16 of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023, the courts have been given powers to force LGBTQIA+ individuals to undergo gay conversion therapy, making it state-approved


For years, psychiatrists, religious leaders and therapy practitioners would adopt various methods to convert LGBTQIA+ individuals. Nazi scientists during world war two were known for experimenting on gay and lesbian prisoners, often torturing and applying psychological warfare to see how they would react. Treatments such as lobotomies, severing connections in the brain’s prefrontal cortex, chemical castrations and aversion therapies were all the various methods used by practitioners. Treatments such as aversion therapy or conditioning are still used today, with practitioners applying electric shock, drugs, the use of sexually erotic images, and the power of suggestion.
Even with all those extreme and barbaric practices, most of those undergoing the therapy suffered brain damage or still identified as LGBTQIA+ after the so-called treatment. Though there are extreme cases relating to Gay Conversion Therapy, some groups often apply less drastic measures, especially the religious groups carrying out the therapy. Many typically use prayer, group therapy and materials designed to reprogramme or re-educate the recipients. Regardless of the approach and the low number of success cases, Gay Conversion Therapy still treats LGBTQIA+ as a mental disease, one that can be cured.
Many of those that undertake Gay Conversion Therapy will be young, typically receiving therapy after puberty from ages 13 to 21—undergoing treatment when they begin to realise or identify as LGBTQIA+. Most are afraid, scared of being different and fearful that they will be rejected by their families or loved ones. With many considered young adults or minors, the parents or guardians often provide consent for their child or a child in their ward to undergo therapy. With modern medical science and understanding, it is clear why these types of treatments fail, as it works on the belief that the person is making a choice. The only decision for those undertaking the therapy is to deny, suppress, or hide who they are rather than changing how they honestly think or feel.
The Banning Gay Conversion Therapy looks at all countries worldwide and those that endorse, ban or allow the therapy to take place.

Why is Gay Conversion Therapy still allowed in the majority of countries worldwide?

Is there any science behind Gay Conversion Therapy?

Which age group are most affected by Gay Conversion Therapy?
Please select a country from the drop-down list to discover common phrases relating to gay conversion therapy

Learn more about the status of Gay Conversion Therapy around the world by country name (in alphabetical order). If you want to learn more about any given country, please click on the flag, or the country name, which will open the required content in a new window
LGBTQIA+ Population compared to those countries that have banned Gay Conversion Therapy
The global LGBTQIA+ population is grouped by those countries that have nationwide bans concerning Gay Conversion Therapy, compared to those that have nothing in place

When reviewing data, it is crucial to understand what it represents, whether it reflects the world and the experience of all those affected. Changes within any given country or region are not restricted to a specific month of the year or even are automatically triggered. Change, especially concerning equality, gender recognition, same-sex marriages and the status of gay conversion therapy, often takes work. Typically by many large groups of dedicated and focused individuals advocating and fighting for justice for positive change within their local communities.
The indices have been created to help you understand the world around you; however, engaging with your global community is essential. It is vital, especially if you are familiar with your desired destination. By reaching out and communicating with other members of the LGBTQIA+ community, you can establish critical details. It only takes a small amount of effort in locating people from or those who have already visited your particular destination for advice. Engaging on social media and Gayther’s networking platform, Gayther Affinity, can help you connect with the global LGBTQIA+ community.
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- The index has been compiled and is correct as of Jun 8, 2024
- The index has been compiled using a variety of different sources, including news articles, publications and websites such as Wikipedia
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The Banning Gay Conversion Therapy index has been compiled based on the rules and laws that exist at a national level, rather than for any given region, state or province. The LGBTQIA+ Gender Identity Recognition index is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute advice. It is essential that you carry out independent research on any country as laws and regulations change frequently. Though we endeavour to keep all information across the site updated, we do not provide any guarantees to the accuracy and completeness of any information displayed. This page may contain external links to third party websites; Gayther provides these links for your convenience and does not endorse, warrant or recommend any particular products or services. By clicking on any external links, you will leave Gayther and be taken to the third-party website, which you do so at your own risk and by accessing the site, you will be required to comply with the external third party’s terms and conditions of use and privacy policies