Top tips for arranging the perfect gay wedding or union

Today 34.3% or 69.6 million LGBTQIA+ individuals live in countries that legally recognise some form of same-sex marriage or union. With so many now able to obtain legal status for their relationships, what are the key things to consider? From the last names to spiritual blessings, there are many important decisions you will likely need to make before your big day. Our top 14 tips for a successful same-sex marriage or union will help you ensure that your special day goes off without a hitch
What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

Bisexuals are believed to make up and represent the largest group within the global LGBTQIA+ community. Many of the people that form this diverse community are often misunderstood and misrepresented. Attitudes are heightened within the media by the representation of androgynous-like or free-spirited individuals sexually. Ignoring the reality that there are many bisexuals worldwide, people in monogamous relationships, and living ordinary lives. Let us explore what it means to be bisexual and the differences between being bisexual and pansexual
From pharaohs to actresses: Important women from history

Women make up almost half of the world’s population, are bringers of life and have influenced or been the driving force behind many significant historical events. Discovered or invented life-changing science, technology and innovations for thousands of years. In 2021 and to celebrate Women’s History Month, let us look back at all of the amazing things women have achieved throughout the centuries
What are throuples and are they the new norm?

The term throuple is new for many globally and not something they have heard before. With increased references to throuples in films, television and coverage by the mainstream media, people are starting to learn more about these new types of relationships and those seeking to form them. With all those involved consenting and seemingly happy, what is and makes a throuple?