From pharaohs to actresses: Important women from history
Women make up almost half of the world’s population, are bringers of life and have influenced or been the driving force behind many significant historical events. Discovered or invented life-changing science, technology and innovations for thousands of years. In 2021 and to celebrate Women’s History Month, let us look back at all of the amazing things women have achieved throughout the centuries
Adult Adoption: creating the family you need
For many young LGBTQIA+ community members, accepting who they are and coming out can be very scary. One major concern is always that their family or friends might reject or disown them after discovering the real them. Even if their families and friends accept their new identity, many more become alone and without guidance at a very young age. In the past 30 years, there has been a trend where people are delaying having children until their mid-to-late thirties. Today, with many more older parents, there is the risk that more significant numbers of people aged 30 or younger will have lost one or both parents at a young age. All of which have been attributed to increased numbers of young LGBTQIA+ individuals classified as adult orphans. A lack of support framework, guidance and loneliness at a crucial point in many people’s lives has meant some have sought out and created the family they need. Many form their chosen families from suitable people within their local community and friend groups. When creating the families we need, can those relationships become legally recognised? How viable is adult adoption? And is it legal in all countries?
Tips for providing inclusive care to the elder community
With the number of people aged 65 and over set to double by 2050 and many traditional care services and facilities unable to cater for the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community, what measures and steps can conventional care providers take to become more inclusive? And what would it take for LGBTQIA+ individuals to consider using traditional care facilities and services?
Elder LGBTQIA+ Care: Understanding the challenges
Growing old is inevitable and something we all will face. The older we become, the more likely we will need some form of help and support to perform specific tasks or activities in our daily lives. Though care providers and services will vary by country, many of the problems and challenges faced are universal. From affordability to adaptive solutions, typically, there are many barriers to overcome when it comes to requesting and seeking out care. Though many of the challenges are similar, some are specific to the elder LGBTQIA+ community. From discrimination to isolation in care home settings, these barriers result in many not getting the help they want or need. The more senior LGBTQIA+ community members who need care and support today will likely come from generations and periods when it was not easy to identify as LGBTQIA+. A time when they were forced to hide their sexuality or gender identity, where it was illegal or where they were living in constant fear of persecution. After years of coming to terms with who they are, many now face new dilemmas when needing some form of support or care. So, what does eldercare look like for them? And what are the potential obstacles they might face?
Has the gay community achieved worldwide equality in 2021?
LGBTQIA+ equality, laws and legal protection for many within the gay community continue to improve. Each year more countries are adopting new legislation to be more inclusive, from legal recognition of gender identities to people’s fundamental rights to marry and adopt. Even with all the positive developments, seventy countries still have antiquated laws in force. Today, twelve are handing down death sentences as a maximum penalty. With a long way still to go, what is the worldwide LGBTQIA+ equality status in 2021?
LGBTQIA+ Relationships: Love across borders
Practical tips when falling in love with someone from a different country. With high-speed internet available worldwide and international air travel much more affordable, falling in love with someone thousands of miles away has become easy and occurs more frequently than ever before. For people who fall in love, what practical steps can they take to make the process of living together in the future easier?
One Community: Are the LGBTQIA+ community stronger together?
A common cause and adversity will often bring very different people together. In 2020, the global LGBTQIA+ community is one of the most diverse minority groups globally, with representation from all countries, ethnicities, genders and faiths. The community is comprised of many smaller communities, from the well-known and established groups like the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities to many smaller lesser-known groups. Representation is important, and today, fortunately, more people now have the freedom to discover and accept their identities. Many quickly realise that they do not entirely identify with non-traditional identities, resulting in the risk of splintering representation groups. Not all voices will be heard with such a large group of diverse people. A reality that often results in problems where the wants and needs of members will differ among the very different groups and factions. However, today, 25% of the world’s LGBTQIA+ community still live in countries where their sexuality is deemed illegal. Where gender expression is not permitted and the unity of the community is so crucial for the global fight for equality, is there a risk of representative groups and associations separating?
Are distractions creating inequality in the world?
Impeachments, Brexit, North Korea, economic inequality, and mass unemployment are themes that seem to dominate the headlines. Today, it is difficult to read the news without feeling a sense of apprehension and fear for the state of the world. With so much going on, many things in your country and local community are often being ignored or going unnoticed. Are the crazy times we live in distracting people from discovering what is happening around them?
Gay Apps: Are mandatory member verifications a good idea?
Over the past ten years, globally, there has been a consistent trend and rise in fake news and online bullying. With an increase in online abuse, especially amongst minors, hate crimes and concern for the safety of their users, service providers are looking for potential solutions. Many app developers have begun proposing solutions and possible ways to help combat and reduce these alarming trends. Over the past year, several well-known LGBTQIA+ smartphone app providers went public that they were considering mandatory member verifications. A move that would mean users would be required to prove their identity in order to use these smartphone apps. Whether by providing additional contact information, such as a home address or carrying out a transaction via their bank or credit card. In some extreme situations, service providers are even considering a process where users must upload some form of identification. Though all of the measures are designed to combat deception and serious crimes, is there a risk of alienating vulnerable community members?
LGBTQIA+ Pride: Are the youth losing hope?
It is easy to forget the impact on people in an age full of negativity, reports of world shortages, climate change, rising unemployment, yo-yo economies, pandemics and wars. All directly impact people’s quality of life and the negative effect on the mental health of people from all social, economic, and ethnic groups globally. Many older people come from generations where they remember happier types, often during periods of growth and relative prosperity. Though life was not perfect, it did not have the intensity that many younger people face today. With so much going on, are the youth of today losing hope?