Has the gay community achieved worldwide equality in 2021?

LGBTQIA+ equality, laws and legal protection for many within the gay community continue to improve. Each year more countries are adopting new legislation to be more inclusive, from legal recognition of gender identities to people’s fundamental rights to marry and adopt. Even with all the positive developments, seventy countries still have antiquated laws in force. Today, twelve are handing down death sentences as a maximum penalty. With a long way still to go, what is the worldwide LGBTQIA+ equality status in 2021?
Has the gay community achieved worldwide equality in 2020?

Thankfully, we live in an age where countries have successfully repealed or even updated antiquated laws. Unfair laws that no longer represent the views of the majority and which for many years were creating inequality for specific groups and minorities. When governments repeal or amend these laws, they send a clear message. A message that through direct action, they have brought about change and signalling that their country is becoming more accepting. Accepting and tolerant of people regardless of age, race, gender, or any other way a person chooses to live their lives. So, in 2020, how do countries score in terms of equality globally?