Introducing inclusive language: engaging with your customers

Whether it is a greeting or how we address an individual, what we say and how we say it can significantly impact our customers and their perception of our business. A few poorly chosen words or an inappropriate greeting can ultimately offend and risk losing loyal customers. The terms and greetings are significant and hold particular importance for individuals transitioning or from other non-traditional gender identities. By making some small, but simple changes can often be the difference between giving a good or great customer experience
what3words: Three words that save a lot of time

With billions of physical addresses worldwide, similar-sounding street names and complicated longitude and latitude coordinates, communicating locations can be difficult. With technological advancements and new means of transport, how easy is it for your customer to find your business or for you to establish your customer’s address quickly?
COVID19: Ideas to help your business survive

The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves worldwide. Many business owners and employees are unsure of what the future has in store. Leaving many to question how long it will last and whether their business will survive in the long run. Government support and aid will help and go so far; however, necessity is the mother of invention, so let us look at several ideas and strategies to help you and your business
Business strategies for dealing with Karens and Kevins

Take me to your manager, and you will be hearing from my lawyer are common phrases used by the famous Karen or Kevin. What are the signs of dealing with a Karen or Kevin for businesses? How can you distinguish them from customers with genuine complaints? And what can you do to protect your business?
I Believe in Me: becoming your own champion

Who believes in you? Knows all your strengths and weaknesses, believes that you can achieve anything you put your mind to and, through your actions, can change the world around you? I know the answer, do you?
Understanding cryptocurrencies and the benefits to your business in accepting them

Many well-known companies and governments have begun to endorse cryptocurrencies publicly and are developing solutions utilising the underlying technology. The world seems to be warming to these new payment methods, which are often highlighted in the frequent positive media stories and use cases. With all of the available cryptocurrencies and platforms, are there any opportunities for small-to-medium-sized businesses to adopt them as a means of accepting payments today?