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LGBTQIA+ Advocates

All the fantastic individuals working hard right now to improve the laws, rights and conditions for members of the worldwide LGBTQIA+ community
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Pioneers are all those individuals who came before us and made their mark in history. Whereas Advocates are those people that are fighting right now to help improve the rights, laws and conditions of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and all those from the non-traditional sexual and gender identities worldwide.

These brave and fearless individuals stand up against injustices and inequalities, using their voices and platforms to enable lasting change worldwide, whether through circumstances or by choice.
Welcome to the Advocates Section
Around the world, people are standing up and making sure their voices are heard. Whether members of the LGBTQIA+ community or allies, many use their platforms to call out injustices and inequality occurring right now in societies across the globe. Without advocates and pioneers, rules and perceptions would never change. Discover some of the exceptional individuals advocating right now

Ellen Lee DeGeneres

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Ellen Lee DeGeneres
Los Angeles, California – United States of America
b. 1958
A famous comedian, author, television host, actress and producer, there is not much that Ellen has not done in the world of entertainment; on top of it all, Ellen is also a vocal advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights.

Ellen was born in Metairie, the fourth largest city in the state of Louisiana. After graduating college, Ellen began her career in stand-up comedy. Ellen got her big break in 1986 staring on ‘The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson’. Since then, Ellen has had a meteoric rise to become one of the most beloved entertainers in the United States of America.

Ellen came out as a lesbian at age 39; since then, she has not only become a positive role model for young people coming to terms with their sexuality Ellen also frequently uses her platform to highlight injustices and inequalities against the LGBTQIA+ community. In 2019, when the South-eastern Asian country, Brunei, introduced the barbaric practice of stoning as a form of prosecution for those caught practising same-sex acts, Ellen began a vocal campaign. Using her platform combined with worldwide public pressure resulted in Brunei reversing its decision by stating that it will not enforce death by stoning. A small victory in a country where same-sex relationships are considered illegal and one of thirteen countries still using the death sentence as a punishment.

Ellen’s humour, compassion and fearless personality make her not only a fantastic individual but also a shining example of how talented and brave members of the global LGBTQIA+ community are in a world that does not always see the real person or past a stereotype or label, Ellen; we love you


It is estimated that there are over seven thousand languages and dialects spoken around the world. When travelling, it is important to find out what languages are spoken where, as well, as key phrases and terms in those languages. The Gayther Worldwide languages guide features all of the main languages spoken around the world, organised by country and region. Discover all things languages today
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Taylor Alison Swift

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Taylor Alison Swift

Singer, Songwriter & Actress
Nashville, Tennessee – United States of America
b. 1989

A singer, songwriter and actress, it is hard to find someone that does not know of Taylor, given her public profile and internationally renowned music.

Taylor was born in Reading, Pennsylvania and moved to Nashville, Tennessee, at age 14 to start her recording career in country music. At age 17, Taylor launched her debut album, which became one of the longest-charting albums in the US during the 2000s. Since then, Taylor has written countless successful and chart-topping songs and albums, often narrating her personal life and experiences. A strong independent woman, Taylor, through her work, has shown the hypocrisy that still exists. People often comment negatively on Taylor’s life, whereas male counterparts would often be praised for the same behaviours or experiences. Even though Taylor has never identified as LGBTQIA+, she has used her fame, international platform, and media interest to publicly support many LGBTQIA+ related issues, especially gay rights and equality.

Taylor is a talented, beautiful and independent woman who is not afraid to stand up and be heard. Taylor is a shining example that we are far from equal between genders, let alone within the LGBTQIA+ community. Over the years, countless individuals have fought hard to improve equality, laws, and rights. However, today we face new problems with the rise of staunch conservative-led politics and many calls for reversing these progressive laws and rights. We hope you continue being a vocal supporter against injustice and go on to write many more songs and albums, Taylor; we love you

Samuel Frederick Smith

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Samuel Frederick Smith

Singer & Songwriter
London – United Kingdom
b. 1992

A singer who is known for their unique voice and songwriter. An individual who went on to become an internationally recognised LGBTQIA+ superstar.

Sam was born in London, United Kingdom. From a young age loved to perform and starred in several amateur productions. At 20, Sam got their big break when Sam was featured on the single ‘Latch’. In 2013, Sam released their debut album ‘Lay Me Down’, which started Sam’s meteoric rise and international recognition. Sam has been open and vocal about their gender and sexual identifiers in the media. Over the years, Sam has described the many challenges they faced growing up, from being bullied as a child to gender identity issues. Sam came out as gay in 2014, early in their career. In 2019, Sam publicly announced that they identify as gender fluid and go by the gender pronoun, theirs, and themselves.

Sam is brave, open and honest. Many people beginning their careers are afraid of how the world might react to their true selves. Sam has been fearless, showing the world that talent, honesty and success can be achieved without compromising. Sam has been a positive role model for many coming to terms with their sexual identities. Raising the awareness of gender non-binary and non-conformity areas that are little known worldwide. Sam, you are a true advocate, talented, and we hope you continue producing many more songs and albums Sam; we love you


Acceptance and coming to terms with a part of what makes you can be challenging for many people. The Gayther pride in series is about celebrating all things relating to sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Showcasing the exceptional people, interesting facts and ways to connect with those unique communities, all designed to help and promote pride in LGBTQIA+ identities
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Peter Tatchell

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Peter Tatchell
Human Rights Campaigner & LGBTQIA+ Advocate
Footscray, Victoria, Australia
b. 1952
An activist and an exceptional individual who has dedicated their life to advocating for both human and LGBTQIA+ rights worldwide.

Peter was born in Australia and was raised in a hard-working Christian family. Due to family circumstances, Peter left school early to work as a sign-writer and window decorator. Peter became a political activist during his time at college, launching numerous campaigns supporting Australia’s Aboriginal population. To avoid Army conscription, Peter moved to London and quickly became a leading member of the Gay Liberation Front.

Over the years, Peter has worked tirelessly to help promote and better the conditions for many people worldwide. Throughout his adult life, Peter has been involved in many notable causes. From his work with the ANC in South Africa to stop discrimination against the LGBT community to highlight the Palestinians’ mistreatment in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. It is fair to say that not everyone truly understands Peter’s contribution to the world, especially the LGBTQIA+ community. However, if it were not for people like Peter, millions more would be suffering today, Peter; we love you

David Kato Kisule

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - David Kato Kisule
Ugandan Teacher & LGBTQIA+ Rights Activist
Nakawala, Mukono, Uganda
b. 1964 – d. 2011
An inspiring teacher and LGBTQIA+ rights activist who was the first openly gay man in Uganda.

David was born in Mukono, Uganda, within the Kisule clan. Uganda, a deeply religious country with over 84% of the population identifying as Christian, is known to discriminate and have anti- LGBTQIA+ laws making life hard for individuals living in the country. David had long suspected his sexuality; however, after two years of teaching in South Africa, David came out publicly as gay at age 34. Upon returning to Uganda, he arranged a press conference where David announced his sexuality and quickly became an advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights in Uganda.

David became involved in the underground LGBTQIA+ movement in Uganda. He became one of the founding members of the Sexual Minorities Uganda Group, also known as SMUG. As an activist, David was often targeted, from fears that he might be arrested during the controversial introduction of the “Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill” to having his picture featured in a Ugandan tabloid newspaper. The newspaper named David alongside 99 other people that were being targeted amidst calls for their execution.

Sadly, David was murdered in 2011; however, as the first openly gay man in Uganda, David quickly became the face of the movement that is still going on to this day. Uganda is becoming even more hostile against the LGBT community. Today, it is even more critical that more people have their voices heard. Especially in countries like Uganda and the rest of the world, to stop the unnecessary persecution and execution of people for just being who they were meant to be. David, we miss you and love you. May you rest in peace
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For many people that are transitioning or those that identify with gender-fluid identities, pronouns and how they are addressed become important. Learn more about some of the most commonly used personal pronouns, as well as a range of email templates, images and name badges all designed to positively promote individual pronouns

Brent Hawkes

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Brent Hawkes
Canadian Clergyman & Gay Rights Activist
Bath, New Brunswick, Canada
b. 1950
An exceptional individual that promotes faith and LGBTQIA+ equality in Canada

Brent was born in New Brunswick, Canada, into a Baptist family. Brent worked as a teacher in Nova Scotia before becoming a pastor at age 28. Brent was appointed senior pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto and gained notoriety when he performed two same-sex wedding ceremonies in 2001 at his church. The weddings held significance because, at that time, the city would not issue same-sex marriage licences. Performing the wedding at the church provided a mechanism for same-sex couples to marry without government permission.

The weddings created a lot of controversies, and the government continually refused to endorse the marriages. Only when the church sued the city, province and the federal government in 2002 the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled that the state should legally recognise all the marriages performed. The church and its approach to same-sex marriages allowed the legal barriers to be removed, making the two marriages the first in the modern world. It is impressive that Brent himself is an openly gay man and married his partner of 30 years, John Sproule, in 2006.

The church and the LGBTQIA+ community often have not had the best relationship. However, Brent shows no one should ever have to choose between their faith and their true self. Brent’s direct actions saw same-sex marriages legally recognised in Canada. The start of a movement that has 28 countries recognise these types of unions even today. Brent, your faith and courage to stand up for what you believe in have benefited many; Brent, we love you
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Over the past 20 years, more countries have legally recognised same-sex marriages and unions. Discover what types of unions are recognised in every country around the world, as well as useful information such as checklists, tools and translations. Discover the Gayther worldwide same-sex marriages and unions guide today

Manvendra Singh Gohil

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Manvendra Singh Gohil
Prince, Charity Trustee & LGBTQIA+ Advocate
Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
b. 1965
The first openly gay prince in the world who was brave in coming out in a conservative nation.

Manvendra was born in Ajmer, India, to the house of Paramara-Gohil-Rajput. Manvendra is the son and probable heir of the Maharaja (also known as king or ruler) of Rajipipla in Gujarat, making him the first openly gay prince. Though attitudes have been changing in India, India is still conservative. Many within the LGBTQIA+ community, even today, suffer in parts of the country. Though India decriminalised same-sex activities in 2018, same-sex unions and marriages are not recognised under the law. Manvendra was brought to the international media’s attention when he starred in a British TV series entitled “Undercover Princes”. The show focused on Manvendra and two other princes who went undercover looking for love in the United Kingdom.

Manvendra struggled with his sexuality for many years and had an arranged marriage that lasted just one year. After the failed marriage, Manvendra had a nervous breakdown. During his treatment, a psychiatrist informed his parents that Manvendra was gay. His parents accepted the truth; however, they insisted that he not make it public. In 2006, four years later, the news broke across India about Manvendra’s sexuality. He received a backlash of hate following the story; people burnt his effigies; he was jeered and heckled when he made public appearances. It ultimately resulted in his family disowning him.

Manvendra did not let these experiences hold him back and set up an HIV/AIDS prevention charity and made several guest appearances worldwide. In 2010, he became editor of a gay print magazine known as ‘Fun’. Manvendra is brave, and his courage shows that no matter where you come from or how privileged you are, it is better to be your true self and be loved for who you are; Manvendra, we love you


With countries around the world treating members of the LGBTQIA+ community differently, planning an overseas trip can be challenging. With over 233 country and 435 regional guides, Gayther guides provide you with all the information you need when planning your trip. From LGBTQIA equality to essential travel information, discover Gayther guides today

Laverne Cox

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Laverne Cox
Actress & LGBTQIA+ Advocate
Mobile, Alabama, USA
b. 1972
A stunning openly transgender American actress who is a prominent LGBTQIA+ advocate

Laverne was born in Mobile, Alabama, in the southern part of the United States of America. Laverne was a twin and learned from a young age that she was different when at age 11, she started to develop feelings for a male classmate. Her attraction, coupled with the years of bullying that Laverne was subject to for not conforming to stereotypically masculine behaviour, resulted in Laverne attempting to take her own life. In New York City, Laverne decided to move away from dance into acting, and in 2009, she appeared as a contestant in the show ‘I want to work for Diddy’. After appearing on the show, Laverne was approached by the television channel VH1 to star in a makeover television series called ‘TRANSform me’, making Laverne the first African-American Transgender woman to star in and produce a television show.

In 2013, Laverne was cast in the role of Sophia Burset, a transgender prisoner in the hit Netflix series ‘Orange Is the New Black.’ The show’s success raised Laverne’s profile, which she used to help advocate for LGBTQIA+ and transgender rights. In 2014, Laverne became a vocal opposer of the ‘Manifesting Prostitution’ law in Phoenix, Arizona, which gave the police additional powers to arrest individuals they believed were prostitutes. The law’s impact was felt to affect transgender women of colour, and Laverne used her new international platform to raise awareness of the implications to the wider community. Laverne has been a trailblazer within the transgender community, a group that is often underrepresented. Through Laverne’s hard work and commitment, Laverne has demystified and highlighted what many transgender people face in their daily lives. Laverne is beautiful both inside and out. Laverne, we love you

Alexya Salvador

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Alexya Salvador
Public School Teacher, Pastor & Transgender Advocate
Mairiporã, São Paulo, Brazil
b. 1980

An inspirational school teacher, transgender advocate, ordained cleric and mother to three children.

Alexya was born and raised in a suburb of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A country that was once trailblazing in the LGBTQIA+ rights movement, and is now sadly moving towards more conservative, right-wing values. After graduating, Alexya became a public-school teacher and the vice president of the Brazilian Association of Homotransaffective Families (ABRAFH). Alexya is now an ordained cleric and has become the first transgender revered in Latin America. In addition to being a teacher, advocate and reverend, Alexya is a mother to three children. After adopting her first child, Alexya adopted two transgender children, given the challenges they were facing.

Very little is publicised or known about Alexya outside of Brazil. However, Alexya is an exceptional individual; she is a woman of colour who has fought hard to achieve everything she has in life. Alexya has become an advocate for transgender rights in Brazil and even ran for the office of state representative in 2018. Alexya ran on a platform focusing on LGBTQIA+ rights and issues she faced throughout her life. Alexya is a perfect example that we can all achieve our goals, even in adversity. Alexya stands firm, making her voice known in a climate that is becoming ever more hostile. Alexya, you are a shining example of exceptional LGBTQIA+ and transgender individuals worldwide. Alexya, we love you


Learn more about the exceptional and diverse global LGBTQIA+ community. Discover interesting facts, join in the fun with interactive games, learn more about the exceptional pioneers and advocates and take pride in all of the sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Discover all things LGBTQIA+ with Gayther today

Lil Nas X

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Lil Nas X

American Singer, Songwriter, and Author
Lithia Springs, Georgia, USA
b. 1999

A talented singer, songwriter and author, a person of colour who not only has embraced his sexuality but has also challenged taboos and stereotypes

Montero Lamar Hill, known as Lil Nas X, was born in Lithia Springs in the US State of Georgia. Lil Nas X’s parents divorced when he was young, initially living with his mother and grandmother, later with his gospel singer father. After graduating high school, Lil Nas X enrolled at the University of West Georgia to study computer science but dropped out after the first year to pursue his dreams in music. While starting his new career, Lil Nas X worked several jobs to support himself and began creating Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vine comedy videos. Lil Nas X made the content in the hope of one going viral, which he achieved and resulted in him becoming an internet personality.

In 2018, Lil Nas X released his first country rap song, Old Town Road. Lil Nas X began promoting his music through social media, and in early 2019, his strategy worked and went viral. The song debuted at number 83 on the Billboard Hot 100 to finally reach the number one spot. Since 2019, Lil Nas X has not shied away from controversy, from his Montero (Call me by my name) music video where he was depicted as a fallen angel dancing provocatively with the devil to kissing a backup dancer on the Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards. Lil Nas X has been open about his struggles with coming to terms with his sexuality and being bullied during his childhood. Lil Nas X has become an inspiration for many young LGBTQIA+ individuals, especially those of colour, by showing that being brave and not running away from negativity, showing that with creativity and being yourself, people will respect you for being who you are. Lil Nas X, we love you

Dean Hamer

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Dean Hamer
Scientist, Author and Filmmaker
Montclair, New Jersey, USA
b. 1951
A scientist, author and filmmaker whose research has changed the perception and understanding of sexuality and gender identities

Dean Hamer was born in Montclair in the US state of New Jersey. After graduating from Trinity College in Connecticut, Dean obtained a PhD from Harvard Medical School. For over thirty years, Dean worked as a researcher at the National Institute of Health and became in charge of the gene structure and regulation unit. Throughout his career, Dean won many distinguished awards, and in the 1990s, he began research into human behaviour genetics. In 1993 he published a paper on the findings of his study.

One fundamental discovery was that maternal, not paternal male relatives had increased same-sex orientation in men. Dean’s research created many public reactions and misunderstandings amongst the science community; however, it was ground-breaking and provided the foundation for further research into the subject. At the same time, Dean’s laboratory got involved in several biotechnological strategies to help treat and reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDVS, especially amongst the community.

In the early 2000s, Dean and his partner began to make films, often tackling complex scientific and social issues. Issues that there often overlooked or misinformed within the mainstream media. Many of the films won prestigious awards, and one was even nominated for an Oscar. Dean is a talented scientist and storyteller who identifies as gay. Using his knowledge, experience, and desire to inform the world helped change the world’s perception of many LGBTQIA+ related matters. Dean is an exceptional individual who used his skills and talent to inform and advance the community; Dean, we love you


From marriages and unions to the decriminalisation of same-sex relationships, discover how well each country treats members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Updated each year, you can learn of the positive and negative developments for every country worldwide. Learn more about LGBTQIA+ Worldwide equality today

Akira The Hustler

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Akira The Hustler

Artist, Writer, Actor and Activist
Tokyo, Japan
b. 1969

A writer, actor and LGBTQIA+, HIV/AIDS and racism activist prominent within Japan.

Yukio Cho was born in Tokyo, Japan. Yukio’s family moved to Germany when he was two years old for his father’s work, moving back to Kobe in Japan when he was eight. Yukio studied oil painting at the Kyoto City University of Arts, where he earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. While at university, Yukio became more aware and involved in campaigns raising awareness in Japan. One campaign focused on removing the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS.

Yukio began to use the pseudonym of ‘Akira’ while working as an escort while living in Kyoto before moving to Tokyo. Akira went on to write a column for a notable gay magazine in the late 1990s, known as G-men. Akira also became the founding member of Biters. Biters is a performance arts group made up of artists and sex workers. Akira has created many performances, videos, sculptures and paintings that focus on identity and social issues featuring the themes of LGBT rights, HIV/AIDS and racism.

Akira is known for his bright and cheerful mannerism; however, he is not afraid to use his platform to help the causes important to him. In 2003, he became involved in founding a sexual health clinic and is an outspoken critic of nuclearisation. Akira proves that you can advocate and stand up for what is important to you using various means and platforms. Being cheerful and outgoing, but at the same time, being outspoken for causes that matter to you; Akira, we love you

Bülent Ersoy

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Bülent Ersoy
Singer and Actress
Muscat, Oman
b. 1952
A famous Turkish singer and actress who underwent sex reassignment surgery and gained acceptance in a predominately conservative and Muslim society.

Bulent was born in Muscat, Oman, and from a young age was influenced by her grandparents, who played classical Turkish music. Bulent began private music lessons that led her to study at the Istanbul Municipal Conservatory. After graduating, Bulent quickly became a popular singer in Turkey, performing in the genres of Ottoman classical music and arabesque. Bulent then turned her hand to acting and starred in many popular films and televisions shows. At the height of her popularity, in 1981, Bulent flew to London, UK and underwent sex reassignment surgery to change her gender from male to female.

Upon returning to Turkey, Bulent found herself directly opposed to the Turkish government formed one year prior via a coup. The government had begun to crack down on so-called social deviance, and Bulent and other transgender people were banned from public performances. To overcome the ban, Bulent filed a petition within the Turkish courts to legally recognise her as a female; however, her case was rejected. The devastation of losing resulted in Bulent attempting to take her own life. Fortunately, she failed and decided to leave Turkey to protest how she was being treated. Living in Germany, Bulent continued producing popular songs and starring in Turkish films.

A change in power saw Bulent return from her 8-year self-imposed exile, where she continued making popular songs and movies even to this day. Bulent is a striking and confident woman, resulting in her fans giving her the nickname Diva. She is still one of the most respected singers of her genre in Turkey, even today. Bulent is widely accepted and loved in Turkish society. Her bravery and resilience make her a true LGBTQIA+ icon in Turkey and across the globe; Bulent, we love you


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David Furnish & Elton John

Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - David Furnish & Elton John

Power Couple, filmmaker, singer, pianist and composer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Pinner, Middlesex, England
r. 1993

David and Elton are famous and successful in their own right. David is a former advertising executive turned filmmaker, and Elton is an internationally renowned singer, pianist and composer. Together, David and Elton have been in a relationship for almost thirty years and are a positive representation and advocacy of happily married and supportive gay partners.

David and Elton met at a dinner party in 1993 hosted at the singer’s home. Their attraction was instant, and the couple reported that they fell in love very quickly with each other. David had moved to London years before, struggling with his sexuality and self-image, moving to the city to come to terms with himself. After falling in love with his internationally recognised and famously out partner, David came to terms with his sexuality. He came out to his friends and family due to his love and connection with Elton. When the UK introduced civil partnerships, David and Elton formed their partnership in 2005. In the same year that same-sex marriages became legal in the UK, David and Elton legalised their marriage in 2014.

David and Elton are one of the most recognised partners globally and a great example of an LGBTQIA+ couple that is loving, supportive and has formed a life-long relationship. They have been together for nearly thirty years. For years they have been surrounded by close friends, and collectively they are godparents to ten of their friend’s children. After twenty years together, they decided to start their own family. In 2010, they welcomed the birth of their son Zachary, followed by the birth of their son Elijah in 2013. It is clear to see the love and affection they have for one another. A long-term relationship that many from within and outside of the LGBTQIA+ community would hope for and aspire to achieve. David and Elton, we love you both


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Lily Tomlin
American Actress, Comedian and Writer
Detroit, Michigan, USA

An American actress, comedian, writer, singer and producer who has entertained audiences for almost six decades. On top of her impressive and long career, Lily has been in a loving and committed relationship for over fifty years, marrying her partner, Jane Wagner, in 2013.

Lily was born in Detroit, the largest city in the US state of Michigan. After graduating college, Lily moved to New York to continue studying acting and began to perform stand-up comedy in local clubs. Lily got her big break in 1965 when she appeared on the Merv Griffin Show, and from there, she went on to star in over thirty films and play countless popular characters on TV shows over the past six decades. Even though Lily came to terms with her sexuality from a young age and has been in a long-term relationship, Lily never hid who she was. Within the industry, it was known about Lily’s sexuality; however, during the 1970s-80s, the media often omitted that part of her life.

Lily gained fame during a difficult period for the LGBTQIA+, identifying as a feminist and a lesbian. Lily is a positive role model for the community around the world and is an example of how you can be successful and still live your truth, that accepting who you are is the first and most crucial step for any person. Whether you share that part of life with the world or not, you should never deny the truth to yourself. Lily is a hugely talented, funny, and amazing individual who has entertained audiences of all ages for decades and has actively been involved in gay-friendly productions, helping to change opinions and perceptions. Lily, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Geraldine Roman
Filipina Journalist & Politician
Orani, Bataan, Philippines

A Filipino journalist and politician who became the first transgender person elected to the Congress of the Philippines in 2016, representing Bataan’s first district.

Geraldine was born in Orani, Bataan, in the northeast of the country’s capital, Manila, in the Philippines. After graduating from the University of the Philippines Diliman, Geraldine secured a scholarship to attend the University of the Basque Country in Spain, where she gained two master’s degrees in Journalism. Geraldine remained in Spain after her graduation and worked in several roles, finally becoming Senior Editor for the Spanish News Agency. Geraldine left Spain and returned to the Philippines in 2012 to take care of her father, who was seriously ill at the time.

In 2016, Geraldine decided to run as the candidate for the Liberal Party in the 2016 Philippine elections, where she won more than 62% of the vote, becoming the first transgender congresswoman in the country. Along with other elected officials, Geraldine championed the SOGIE Equality Bill, an anti-discrimination bill which included support for LGBT rights. Geraldine acts as an important role model and example at a time when there is so much misinformation about the transgender community. Not only is Geraldine a positive representative, but she is using her platform and position to help improve the lives of other LGBTQIA+ individuals living in the Philippines. Geraldine, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Sir Ian Mckellen
English Actor
Burnley, Lancashire, England

An English actor on the screen and stage whose career has spanned over six decades. Sir Ian has won countless awards for his portrayal of roles from Shakespearean plays to Hollywood blockbusters, simultaneously being a global champion of LGBTQIA+ equality.

Sir Ian was born in Burnley, Lancashire, in the Northwest of England. Growing up in a religious protestant household, Sir Ian began acting at a young age in local theatre productions. After graduating from the prestigious St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, Sir Ian made his first professional appearance in 1961 in the play A Man for All Seasons. Sir Ian went on to have a career that has made him one of the most recognisable actors in the world, playing iconic roles such as Magneto in X-Men, Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings and Sir Leigh Teabing in The Da Vinci Code.

In 1988, at age 49, Sir Ian publicly came out as identifying as gay and has since become a high-profile activist and champion of the global LGBTQIA+ equality movement. He co-founded the UK Charity Stonewall, which is an LGBT rights lobbying group and is a patron of many LGBT-related events and groups, such as LGBT History Month and Pride London. Sir Ian is not only an immensely talented actor but also someone who cares passionately about his community and uses his international platform to help improve the lives of community members worldwide. Sir Ian, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Alan Cummings
Scottish Actor
Aberfeldy, Perthshire, Scotland

An award-winning Scottish actor, producer, director, singer, novelist, television presenter, activist, and long supporter of LGBTQIA+ related groups, charities, and human rights.

Alan was born in Aberfeldy, a small market town in the Highland Perthshire in Scotland within the United Kingdom. Alan attended the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow, where he studied music and drama, and got his first break in 1984 in the British television series Travelling Man. Throughout his career, Alan has played several iconic roles, received numerous awards and gained international recognition for his portrayal of Boris Grishenko in Goldeneye and Nightcrawler in X-Men 2.

Alan, who identifies as bisexual, has long been a supporter of LGBTQIA+ and human rights. Alan has used his international platform to support organisations such as the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), as well as featuring in the Equality Network campaign, which supported same-sex marriage in Scotland. Alan supports a number of HIV and AIDS charities and is the patron of NORM-UK. He is a talented actor and caring individual who deeply cares for his community, believes in fairness and often uses his international platform to highlight injustices worldwide. Alan, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Miley Cyrus
American Singer, Songwriter, Actress & Television Personality
Franklin, Tennessee, USA
b. 1992

An award-winning American singer, songwriter, actress and one of the most recognisable global entertainment stars. From her childhood as the star of Hanna Montana to becoming Billboard’s Greatest of All Time Artists in 2019, Miley has also been a vocal supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and founded an organisation that supports the community’s vulnerable youth.

Miley was born in Franklin, the seventh largest city in Tennessee in the United States of America. The daughter of the internationally acclaimed country singer Billy Ray and goddaughter to Dolly Parton, Miley, in her teens, played the Disney Channel character Hannah Montan for over five years, which instantly made her a teen idol and gave her two number-one hits in the US charts. After leaving the hit series, Miley embarked on a solo career that has seen her topping the international charts numerous times, winning countless prestigious industry awards, and becoming one of the most recognisable music stars in the world.

Miley, who identifies as pansexual and gender neutral, has long been open about her sexuality and gender identity, coming out to her mother at age 14. Miley has stated that she does not like labels and is open to loving anyone who loves Miley for who she is. Miley has also long been a vocal supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community and even has a tattoo of the equal sign on her ring finger in support of same-sex marriage. In 2014, Miley founded the Happy Hippie Foundation to support LGBTQIA+ youth and other vulnerable people. An immensely talented performer with a unique voice and a caring and beautiful person, Miley is genuinely an example of what it means to be a shining star. Miley, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Rabbi Debra Kolodny
Congregational Rabbi & Bisexual Rights Activist
Far Rockaway, New York City, USA
b. 1960

A congregational rabbi of the Hebrew faith, bisexual rights activist and once a director of the now-dissolved Nehirim, the national community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) Jews.

Rabbi Debra Kolodny was born in Far Rockaway, a neighbourhood in Queens, a borough within New York City in the United States of America. Debra went on to study at the American Ivy League School of Cornell University and later attended law school in Philadelphia. It was in 2011 that Debra was ordained a rabbi by the Jewish Renewal movement and became the rabbi for the P’nai Or congregation of Portland, Oregon. Throughout Debra’s life, they fought for injustice, whether for workers’ rights whilst working in and with trade unions or their activism around LGBTQIA+ equality and Rights; Debra has dedicated her life to many important social justice movements.

Rabbi Debra is an impressive and remarkable individual, identifying as bisexual and using the pronouns they/them. Debra has lived believing in, standing up for, and fighting for social justice movements. Debra has been involved and a key contributor to several movements and brings a unique energy and spiritual perspective to whomever they represent. Debra is a person who stands by their beliefs and gives voice to so many people. Rabbi Debra, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Jonathan Bailey
English Actor
Benson, Oxfordshire, England

An English actor and recipient of the prestigious Laurence Olivier Award, he has played many iconic roles on stage and screen, becoming best known for his portrayal of leading characters in the popular TV series Broadchurch and Bridgerton.

Jonathan was born in Wallingford, a historic market town in Oxfordshire, 13 miles south of Oxford and 50 miles from London. After securing a music scholarship at Magdalen College School, Oxford, Jonathan decided not to further his studies and instead pursued acting. Jonathan began performing on the stage at a young age, securing the role of Tiny Tim at just age seven in the 1995 Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) production of A Christmas Carol. Over the years, Jonathan would land roles on stage and television. In 2011, when he played the role of Leonardo da Vinci in the CBBC series Leonardo, he began to gain recognition for his acting. Jonathan’s career has gone from strength to strength for almost twenty years. He gained international recognition when playing the role of local journalist Olly Stevens in the hit crime-drama series Broadchurch and his portrayal of Anthony Viscount Bridgerton in the critically acclaimed and most-watched Netflix series in 2020, Bridgerton.

Jonathan likes to keep his personal and public lives separate. He felt it was important to come out publicly and identify as gay. Still, he firmly believed that his sexuality should not become a commodity or a currency. A young and successful actor, Jonathan is a positive example for many young LGBTQIA+ individuals who are coming to terms with their identity. Jonathan has a long, successful career ahead of him, and we know he will continue to entertain on both stage and screen. Jonathan, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - P!nk
American Singer & Songwriter
Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA

An award-winning and iconic American singer, songwriter and actress. Pink’s distinct voice, style and stage presence have made her one of the world’s bestselling music artists and an outspoken advocate on various social issues, including LGBTQIA+ equality, human rights, child welfare, black lives and animal cruelty.

Pink was born in Doylestown Township in Pennsylvania, United States of America. Pink loved to sing and perform from a young age and would often accompany her father and sing with him at Veterans’ centres. While still in high school, Pink joined her first band and began performing at various clubs in and around Philadelphia. In 1995, Pink became part of the R and B group Choice, where they were signed by LaFace Records in Atlanta. In 2000, after that band disbanded, Pink embarked on her solo career and her first single reached number seven on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Since her debut, Pink has had three number-one hits, over 35 top 40 charted singles and has won over 100 awards.

Pink has long been considered a trailblazing artist and is credited for breaking many boundaries. Early in her career, she would often be misidentified as a lesbian, though she identifies as heterosexual; Pink has long been an outspoken supporter and advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community. Pink used her international platform to support causes that were important to her, including human rights and child welfare. Pink is a talented, unique and outspoken advocate who stands up for what she believes in and knows what is right. Pink, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Matty Healy
English Singer-Songwriter & Record Producer
Hendon, London, England

A talented English singer, songwriter, record producer, and lead vocalist for the band 1975. Known for his distinctive tenor vocal range, Matty is a vocal advocate and ally of LGBTQIA+ equality and climate change. He often uses his international platform to highlight many of the injustices worldwide.

Matty was born in Hendon, London, in the United Kingdom. A child to parents in the entertainment industry, Matty spent most of his childhood in the village of Alderley Edge in Cheshire, a county in the North West of England. While attending high school, Matty met his future bandmates, and it was in 2002, at age 13, that the 1975 was formed. After high school, Matty attended the Academy of Contemporary Music but left after three months to pursue music full-time. The 1975 worked hard performing gigs for years, and in 2016, with their second album, I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It, they started to see their popularity rise, so much so that the second album reached number one in the UK albums chart and sold over 100 thousand copies.

Matty and the 1975 have received critical acclaim and international recognition, with the band going from strength to strength. Using his international platform, Matty has long been identified as a progressive and vocal advocate of climate change and LGBTQIA+ equality. In 2019, Matty was banned from Dubai after displaying the pride flag and protesting the country’s stance by kissing a male fan on stage, and in 2023, Matty and the band were briefly imprisoned after criticising Malaysia’s anti-LGBT laws while on tour in the country. Matty is a person who believes more in action than words alone. He is an exceptional and talented individual who has a long career ahead of him and someone who clearly stands up for what he believes in and calls out injustice, wherever it may be. Matty, we love you.


Gayther LGBTQIA+ Advocate - Elliot Page
Canadian Actor
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

An award-winning Canadian film and television actor and producer and a vocal human rights, feminist and LGBTQIA+ equality activist.

Elliot was born in Halifax, the capital and largest city in the province of Nova Scotia in Canada. Elliott began acting young and first appeared on the CBC Television movie Pit Pony at age 10. Elliot acted throughout his teens, and after graduating high school, he began to act full-time. Elliot began to land more significant roles and gain international recognition; however, in 2007, at age 20, Elliot starred as the pregnant teenager in Juno, which saw his meteoric rise. Elliot has gone on to star and win awards for several Hollywood blockbusters, including X-Men: The Last Stand and There’s Someone in the Water. Born female, Elliot was outed as gay at age 18 and came out as a trans man in 2020 at age 33. He wanted to publicly come out concerning his gender identity due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in part due to the anti-transgender public rhetoric and news cycle.

In 2021, Elliott became the first openly trans man to appear on the cover of Time. He is an immensely talented actor and frequently uses his platform to highlight important causes and injustices. Elliot identifies as a pro-choice feminist as well as an advocate for the Me Too movement, abortion rights and LGBTQIA+ equality. With all the personal challenges and obstacles, Elliot still finds time to speak up and out for important causes. Elliot is a much-loved and exceptional member of the global LGBTQIA+ community. Elliot, we love you.


Gayther Community - About Advocates

The dictionary definition of the term advocate relates to a person who pleads for a cause, sometimes on behalf of another person or group. Not all advocates will be directly affected by the cause. Instead, they feel that speaking up and challenging stereotypes and prejudges is the right thing to do. A cause they feel that they have to get involved in, often at personal risk to their careers, safety and lives. Not everyone who becomes an advocate or activist does so because of choice; sometimes, it is due to their circumstances. Whatever the reason, it takes a brave and fearless individual to decide to fight, often against the odds, for something they feel and believe needs changing.

For a global group that has faced thousands of years of persecution, something that is still going on in parts of the world, where the rights, laws, and protection have improved but are still not equal, many are still fighting for the cause. Many of these people are continually pushing for change and fair treatment. Advocates are not only standing up for what they believe in; they are often persecuted for being vocal against the injustices they see.

We wanted to showcase and shine a spotlight on these exceptional individuals and thank them for all they do for the global community. Gayther has dedicated this page to those currently using whatever platform they have available to make the world a better place for the international LGBTQIA+ community. There are thousands more fighting, often without recognition or given the proper attention for their cause and the excellent work to bring about change


The Gayther advocates section is designed to highlight and showcase exceptional individuals from or associated with the LGBTQIA+ community. If you know of someone you believe should be featured, we would love to hear from you. As a global service, we love to feature lesser-known international advocates and pioneers whenever possible

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Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the global LGBTQIA+ community. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself. Helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself. People from around the world from all age groups and backgrounds. Signup for your free Affinity account today



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There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, all designed to help you
The RM Directory is designed to showcase organisations and services experienced in assisting those seeking refuge or relocating. Whether a refugee who is forced to leave home due to war or a migrant seeking out better living conditions, the RM Directory can help

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Three dedicated websites offer various tools, services, guides, and much more. Free tools and services tailored toward all groups within the global LGBTQIA+ community


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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The advocates’ and pioneers’ collections are designed to highlight exceptional individuals worldwide. Though Gayther is an LGBTQIA+ community resource, some of the individuals featured may not identify or have confirmed their sexual or gender identity. Gayther believes in inclusivity and the right for people to choose whether they share personal details about themselves, including those in the public eye. Featuring a person is not meant to cause offence or controversy; instead, it is only our intention to showcase exceptional individuals. Though we endeavour to keep all information across the site updated, we do not provide any guarantees of the accuracy and completeness of any information displayed. This page may contain external links to third party websites; Gayther provides these links for your convenience and does not endorse, warrant or recommend any particular products or services. By clicking on any external links, you will leave Gayther and be taken to the third-party website, which you do so at your own risk and by accessing the site, you will be required to comply with the external third party’s terms and conditions of use and privacy policies