How the Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Equality Index was calculated

The gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all groups with non-traditional gender and sexual identities, collectively known as the LGBTQIA+ community, have been around in many forms for thousands of years. The community faced hundreds of years of persecution, targeted campaigns and gruesome convictions when prosecuted. It was not until the late 18th century that the gay movement began to gain momentum, with prominent people advocating for equality and a movement that continues today.
Understanding the scoring mechanism of the equality index, which focuses on the status, rights and legal treatments of every country around the world. The index is compiled by reviewing the many rules and laws that directly affect and impact the community, areas such as the same-sex legal status, the right to marry, anti-discrimination laws and other key metrics
- The index reviews the rules and laws at a national level. Some countries with multiple areas, regions, states, and provinces will occasionally have different rules and regulations by area. In cases where the rules are not consistent, for example, should most of the areas, say nine out of ten regions, have pro-LGBTQIA+ laws in place, then that would be classified with a better score at a national level. However, if laws do not exist at a national level or there is no clear majority with pro-LGBTQIA+ laws, then the index would apply a score equivalent to one where no laws exist
- The index has been compiled using a variety of sources, including news articles, publications and various pages on Wikipedia
Gender and body dysmorphia affects many people each year. Many will feel trapped in the wrong body and look to transform their outer appearance to reflect their inner self. For those going through their transition, it is often a challenge and lengthy process. Discover how each country around the world legally acknowledges and treats gender identities

The LGBTQIA+ equality index focuses on the community’s global status, rights, and legal treatment. The index is compiled by reviewing the many rules and laws that directly affect and impact the community, including same-sex legal status, the right to marry, anti-discrimination laws and other key metrics. To understand all of the areas and how they contribute to the overall score, click here to view the how it was calculated page
Through the work of advocates and pioneers, many members of the LGTBQIA+ community now have the rights and freedoms to live their authentic lives or selves without fear of persecution; however, there are still inequalities and injustices occurring all over the world. Many brave individuals and groups work within those countries to change the laws and opinions, so hopefully, everyone will have the freedom and protection under the law one day.
Simply put, the higher a country scores, the lower the equality status of that country on the index. The lower the status, the worse they treat members of the LGBTQIA+ community. IMPORTANT: If you feel your life is in danger or fear persecution, visit the non-profit organisations and support groups’ pages. There are many specialist charities and groups available worldwide that can help. A link to support groups can be found in the footer of every page on the Gayther service
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Three dedicated websites offer various tools, services, guides, and much more. Free tools and services tailored toward all groups within the global LGBTQIA+ community
There are thousands of events taking place, it is not always easy to know what is going on and when, Gayther can help